
Homology I

Recall definitions of simplicial homology and singular homology.

Remark. The only reason we choose to use simplices is that its boundary is very easy to define and calculate; when dealing with geometric intuition, it's perfectly fine to replace the simplex with anything that is easy to define an oriented boundary.

Homotopy Invariance

Theorem. Homotopic maps induces same homomorphisms between homology groups.

This theorem agrees with our intuition that 1. homology groups count holes, and 2. homotopy doesn't change holes.

We first give a intuitive "proof" for this. We draw the image of f, and continuously modulate it until it become g. While doing this, we draw the "trace" of this image. Then every chain will be strectched out, becoming a prism; Therefore, corresponding chains will cancel out due to this prism.

Sketch of proof. Suppose f and g:XY are homotopic through F:X×IY, and consider a singular simplex σ:ΔnX. Consider the prism F(σ×id):Δn×IX×IY. Divide this prism into disjoint simplices [v0,,vi,wi,,wn], giving the prism operators


Geometrically the boundary of the prism is made from the top face, the bottom face, and the sides. Algebraically this is expressed through the equation


Using this relation, we have, for every cycle α, g(α)f(α)=P(α) is a boundary, so g and f determine the same homology class.

A map P between chain maps f and g satisfying P+P=gf is called a chain homotopy.

Proposition. Homotopy equivalences induce isomorphisms of homology groups.

Exact Sequences and Excision

Relative Homology Groups

When defining the chain groups, we can ignore chains in A, replacing Cn(X) by Cn(X,A)=Cn(X)/Cn(A). These are called the relative chain groups, and we can define the relative boundary map and relative homology groups on them.

Notice, however, that Hn(X,A) is generally not isomorphic to Hn(X/A). A good way to think about this is: considering relative homology only allow us to "move around freely inside A", but the region A itself cannot be ignored. To give an example, take X to be a disk, and A the same disk without its center. Then X/A is contractible (X/A is the two-element space called the Sierpiński space), giving a trivial H2(X/A), but (intuitively) there is a non-trivial chain in H2(X,A): any 2-dimensional chain (imagine a surface) which covers the center (the reader should verify that it is actually a cycle). Intuition gives that H2(X,A)Z, by counting the number of times the chain covers the center. Actually this is true.

However, for some nice pairs (X,A), H(X/A) and H(X,A) do coincide, as we will show later.

Now we try to extend the chain complex Hn+1(X)Hn(X)Hn1(X). We take a subspace A of X. Apparently there is an inclusion H(A)iH(X). The quotient map j:Cn(X)Cn(X,A) induces a quotient map j:Hn(X)Hn(X,A), by replacing every element of Cn by its homology class. Intuitively, i and j has the extra property that imi=kerj.

The boundary map Hn(X,A)Hn1(A) is more complicated. For a relative n-cycle γ, there is an n-chain βCn(X) such that jβ=γ. Then β should be trivial relative to A, as formally shown in jβ=jβ=γ=0. Therefore β is a chain in A; i.e. β=iα for some αCn1(A). Also, α=0 since 0=β=iα. To sum up: loosely speaking, γ is the relative version of β, and α is the boundary of β; both α and γ are cycles (but of different spaces). It should intuitively make sense to define [γ]=[α], where [] denotes homology class; after all, α is just "the boundary of γ adjusted to the correct space". (The β is required only because we want to define "the boundary of a relative cycle" properly.)

(We still need to verify the boundary map is well-defined; i.e. independent of the choice of β. This should be intuitively obvious, and we omit the proof here.)

As α is a boundary, it should be in the trivial homology class of Hn(X); this is expressed rigorously by i[γ]=[β]=0, or equivalently imkeri. Conversely, every cycle αCn1(A) corresponds to some βCn(X) such that jβ=iα; this implies [jβ]=[α], so im=keri.

β=0, therefore j[β]=0, which means imjker. Conversely, if [γ]=0, then γ=jβ; we want some chain β making jβ=0 and ββ a cycle, then j(ββ)=c. Taking β=iα where α=α clearly does this. Therefore, imj=ker.


All these discussions gives us an exact sequence:



The core of excision is the idea that, if we remove a set in A (but with enough space left), then the relative homology H(X,A) should not be affected.

The Excision Theorem. If ZAX such that clZintA, then the inclusion (XZ,AZ)(X,A) induces isomorphisms Hn(XZ,AZ)Hn(X,A).

Setting B=XZ, we get a more convenient version:

The Excision Theorem, second version. For A,BX such that intAintB=X, the inclusion (B,AB)(X,A) induces isomorphisms Hn(B,AB)Hn(X,A).

Proof. We want a map Cn(B)/Cn(AB)Cn(X)/Cn(A), which induces isomorphisms on homology groups. Notice the quotient Cn(B)/Cn(AB) is free with basis the singular n-simplices in B that do not lie in A. We now make the first step forward: we replace Cn(AB) by Cn(A). To make this operation available, we must modify Cn(B) to include chains in A; a rational choice is Cn(B)+Cn(A)=:Cn(A+B). We've managed to get closer to the target: Cn(B)/Cn(AB)Cn(A+B)/Cn(A). Now we need to prove the inclusion ι:Cn(A+B)/Cn(A)Cn(X)/Cn(A) induces isomorphisms on homology groups. We first show that the inclusion ι:Cn(A+B)Cn(X) is actually a chain homotopy equivalence.

Lemma. The inclusion ι:Cn(A+B)Cn(X) is a chain homotopy equivalence.

Sketch of proof. The key is that we can do iterated barycentric division to a chain in X, making it small enough so that every divided region is either in A or in B (by Lebesgue's theorem). Therefore, we need to 1. define "barycentric division" for singular simplices; and 2. establish a chain homotopy equivalence between the original chain and the divided one.

We first consider barycentric division of linear simplices λ:ΔnRm, and establish the required notions. For a point bRm, we can form a simplex by adding b to λ, namely, the cone with apex b and bottom λ. We denote this cone by conebλ. Notice that conebλ=λconeb (the boundary of a cone is its sides and its bottom); therefore coneb+coneb=id, so coneb is a chain homotopy between id and 0.

We now define the barycentric division S. For a linear simplex λ, denote its barycenter by bλ. We then define recursively as: Sλ=conebλSλ. (Convince yourself that this is the barycentric division.) Intuition and calculation both gives S=S, meaning S is a chain map. To show S is chain homotopic to id, we again need to divide a prism: we connect all simplices on the bottom and the sides to the barycenter of the top, as indicated in the image.


This division induces a prism operator T, satisfying (again, intuitively and rigorously through calculation) T+T=idS.

We can easily extend this set of notions to singular simplices, by compositing λ with a singular simplex σ:ΔnX. Now we're ready for iterated division. A chain homotopy between id and Sm is given by the tower of prisms: Dm=i=0m1TSi. (Imagine extending the prism above by building an identical prism upon each divided region on the top; iterate m times.) For each singular simplex σ:ΔnX, there is a least integer m(σ) such that after m divisions every region of σ is either in A or in B; i.e. SmσCn(A+B). We now define D:Cn(X)Cn+1(X) by Dσ=Dm(σ)σ (i.e. a prism tower between id and a sufficiently small division). We then claim that ρ=idDD is a chain homotopy inverse for the inclusion ι. The proof is pure calculation, and is omitted here.

We can now return to the proof of the excision theorem. Knowing that D+D=idιρ and ρι=id, we try to make quotient maps to actually get to Cn(A+B)/Cn(A) and Cn(X)/Cn(A). Remarkably, all maps in these equations (, D, ι, ρ, id) are Cn(A)-stable. Therefore, we can factor out all chains in A, and the quotient map ι thus induces an isomorphism on homology groups.

With the help of excision, we can finally relate H(X,A) and H~(X/A) for some nice X and A.

Corollary. If A is the deformation retract of some of its neighbourhood, then the quotient map q:(X,A)(X/A,A/A) induces isomorphisms q:Hn(X,A)Hn(X/A,A/A)H~n(X/A).

Proof. Suppose A is the deformation retract of V, one of its neighbourhoods. We have a commutative diagram


The two unlabelled horizontal maps are isomorphisms by excision. φ is an isomorphism by the long exact sequence and the fact that Hn(V,A)=0 (the pairs (V,A) and (A,A) are homotopy equivalent). The same argument shows that ψ is also an isomorphism. The rightmost q is an isomorphism since q restricts to a homeomorphism on the complement of A. From commutativity, the leftmost q is also an isomorphism.

There's another way of converting relative homology to reduced homology using cones, which works for all pairs (X,A); suppose CA is the cone from point p to A, then


the first isomorphism is from the long exact sequence, second from excision, third from the deformation retraction of CAp onto A.