
Valuation Theory and Hensel's Lemma

Definition of p-adic numbers. For a prime number p, define

Zp={i=0+dipi:di{0,1,,p1}}, Qp={i=m+dipi:di{0,1,,p1},mZ}.

Zp is a ring and Qp is a field, under the normal addition and multiplication of formal series. There is a canonical embedding QQp.

Analytic Approach

Define a valuation ||p:QR0 (i.e. non-negative, multiplicative, triangle inequality) for a prime p as follows: |x|p=pe where x=peab for integers a and b coprime to p. We define Qp to be the completion (i.e. set of Cauchy sequences modulo the equivalence relation xy defined by lim|xiyi|p=0) of Q under ||p. In this sense Zp={xQp:|x|p1}.

Lemma. Zp is the integral closure of Z in Qp.

There's a canonical embedding ZZp.

Lemma. The canonical embedding induces a ring isomorphism Z/pnZZp/pnZp. Hence


Proposition (special case of Hensel's lemma). Suppose fZp[X]. Let f¯=fmodpFp[X]. If αFp with f¯(α)=0 and f¯(α)0, there is a unique xZp with xα(modp) and f(x)0.

Proof. Existence. Fix x0Zp such that x0α(modp). Then f(x0)pZp and f(x0)Zp×. Let




hence f(x1)p2Z and f(x1)Zp×. Repeating this process we get a convergent sequence x0,x1,. Suppose its limit is x, then we have f(x)=0.

Uniqueness is trivial (notice that α is a simple root).

Corollary. There is a unique group homomorphism ω:Fp×Zp× such that ω(α)α(modp) for every αFp×.

Proof. Apply the proposition for f(x)=xp11.